Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Best office messenger day!!!!

OMG TODAY WAS SO FUN!!!! Chaad, Emre, Jennifer and me was office messenger today. Emre, Chaad and me was full chatting in the last period while Jennifer was reading. Emre is so random and funny at the same time, he kept saying "i like chicken" LOL but it was funny. We were tagging on Emre's paper since it is the last time to be an office messenger. Emre wrote his name first, then it was my turn to tag, i wrote like 4 sentences while Emre only wrote his name. HAHAHAS, it was Chaad's turn, we told him to write his neatest but no, Chaad wrote huge LOL then we have to start again, the 4 of us tagged. You might not find it funny, but to us, we were full laughing. After tagging, we started drawing on the voting paper LOOL it was FUNNY!!!! You don't wanna know what we did to the voting paper and Chaad ripped of a part and kept it. Chaad, i dare you to look at it before you go to sleep HAHAHAS. Chaad and me started playing Mr. Squiggle, i won Chaad hehe ^^ One of us was like teachers coming, we quickly got some random work, the teacher didn't come, we all started laughing after seeing how we panicked LOOOL IT WAS AN AWESOME DAY!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Aaron opened the diary and started reading.
March, 26th Friday
Today, i discovered something i can't believe...

After the operation, Gui Gui was writing a letter until Aaron came in.
Gui Gui: Let's go out for a walk.

Gui Gui made a symbol which symbols Aaron and her

Saturday, October 9, 2010


Gui Gui went to Aaron's house, she was cooking lunch for Aaron and herself. Aaron went to get something when he came out... Gui Gui fainted.....

The doctor came out nodding his head
"Is Gui Gui alright?" Why did she suddenly faint?" asked Aaron
"She told me not to tell you but i think you should know, she has..." said the doctor

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


On tuesday, i went to berlinda's house so we can meet up and go to city. While we were waiting for cathy to come, berlinda helped me put eyeliner on. Before she start my eyes was like already teary and like she was putting it on then i closed my eyes. She was like OI open your eyes LOL anyways after she finished, my eyes was like in tears and red. I was like to berlinda "i  can act in a sad drama now since i am teary" hehe :) It took pretty long to put on the eyeliner and i like your hair berlinda LMAO.

I swear from now on i am going to watch where i am going, at city with berlinda and cathy, we went to morning glory. I walked down the stairs thinking berlinda and cathy waas behind me. But i discovered they were still at the cashier so i went up the stairs halfway through i was looking at them then i tripped and nearly fell. It was SO EMBARRESSING everyone was like looking at me cause i screamed.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


TODAY WAS AWESOME, FUN, AWESOME, FUN HAHAS IN ONE WORD IT IS EPIC!!!!!!!!!!! Berlinda, Cathy and me went to the City for fun, we took caps first and it was AWESOME!!!!! Then we went to galaxy world, cathy and me was playing basketball while Berlinda was filming that's right i came first hehe :) Then we played hockey, i epic failed it, i was playing half of the game then me and Berlinda swap and we full hi-5 like we are subbing. Cathy won hahas don't worry next time i will win LOL then me and Cathy went to play the zombie game where you have to shoot the zombies. I died early sad :( we were addicted to it so we kept playing. Berlinda was like full recording us. After we went to eat food, let me skip this part, we ate at a japanese restaurant, the sushi was YUM!!! Then we took caps again like 5 times, i reckon the guy from morning glory would recognise from now cause we took the caps 3 times there LOL

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Dinner Party

LOL sunday was epic cause we went out to dinner party with many people. I was like sitting down at the restaurant waiting for my family friend to come and i was really bored while waiting. My mum made me help her take photos of other people it made me feel like a photographer. HAHAS my cousin went to the stage and sang, it was funny cause i never knew he will volunteer oh wells, my family friend and me went near the stage to take photos for him. We took million of photos of him cause we couldn't get the right angle of him but he sang well. Halfway through taking photos of him, an aunty gave me a pen and paper, i was like what's this for? she was like to ask for his autograph and when i heard that i wanted to run away. But sadly, i failed, the aunty pushed me to him and i just gave him the pen and paper to sign while being pushed. It was so embarressing, my face was red and the good thing is that i won 3 prizes. My family friend, Sally Lim, and me was talking about the past how we used to do silly things it was so funny i was like laughing my head off. On saturday, it was raining at city when i was walking to the carpark with my mum, bro and aunty. I was walking down the stairs but i wasn't looking where i was going and i nearly slipped. Luckily there weren't much people hehe :)

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Pe assignment

HAHAHAHAS today Jacqueline, catherine and me went to berlinda's house. From my blog it always seem i go to berlinda's house LOL thats cause i blog late HAHAHAS anyways it was epic FUN, my hand hurts from cutting the letters but round of a applause for catherine, berlinda and jacqueline who was so talkative. Catherine left first then we discovered Jacqueline's ipod was gone and it also happened to mine last week at Berlinda's house. We were searching the whole house for Jacqueline's ipod for million times but we didn't find it. It was freaky cause i lost mine as well. Luckily!!! Berlinda found it under her bed where we had search for billion times. Then Jacqueline left, Berlinda and me started eating watermelon and we had a EPIC CONVO!!! but i will forgive you berlinda that today we didn't make pancakes....UNFORGIVABLE BERLINDA hahahahas LOL
WOW so excited about tuesday can't wait

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Berlinda's house

Yesterday i went to Berlinda's house for fun. I came really early and i thought Berlinda would be awake by then but i was wrong. I went to her room and she was still sleeping. It was funny, she was like shocked hahahahas and like she brushes her teeth for 20 mins i was just standing there and waiting for her. Berlinda if you are reading this please don't kill me hehe :) We were watching the WGM horror, far it was freaky at the beginning then it got funny with the Adam's couple i was like laughing my head off and tears formed. Then we went to the shops at cheso, bought sushi and cardboard for our pe assignment. We started watching videos from youtube while eating chips, i can't stand the chilliness so i had to keep drinking water which i nearly drank the whole bottle. It is like half way through the video, i would be like i need water *runs to the fridge* hahahahs it was awesome day. We should take lessons how to take a photo we epic fail taking photos. Tomorrow i am going to Berlinda's house again for the pe assignment, gonna be extra fun cos we are making pancakes
cant wait~~~

Days to treasure

Gui Gui: How am i going to face him at the dinner? How would he react if he sees me rich.
Gui Gui was going to the restaurant when something stops her

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Year 12 Concert

TODAY WAS EPIC FUN!!! Brianca and me was full screaming at year 12 concert. Berlinda and Cathy was screaming louder when they saw super senior and started dancing to the korean songs hehe :) Also today at history, we were watching a moive called the rabbit proof fence i think, all wells yeh it was a sad movie i cried like the beginning when they took the kids from their mums.  Then during the movie i was excited about the year 12 concert, i told Berlinda about the year 12 concert and then we all felt excited and hi-5. The hi-5 was really loud during we were all quiet when watching the movie and it was embarressing. Half way through the movie, i was so in to it then all of a sudden Berlinda scared me. I was only scared abit, anyways we swapped bags again and Berlinda was full complaining how heavy my bag was and we also had a jumping competition who can jump the highest. Alice says Berlinda jumps the highest but the truth is i jump the highest LOL

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Gala Day :)

Gala day was so AWESOME cos we came first. I was the goalie when we were vsing wilson's team, i swear being a goalie has lot's of pressure. The game ended with 6-0 which we won and like it was funny when wilson said that he respects me cos i kept blocking his goal LOL. Anyways, the guys that we were vsing for the finales, Abraham and Eddie shoots so hard, i blocked it and my hand was all red. Once Eddie shoots and i blocked it with my knee, my knee went all numb then i discovered i got a cut on my hand. Oh wells, at least we won but terence, david, ben, dorrion, penny, berlinda, sarah, cathy and don did the most shooting and defending. WELL DONE GUYS!!!! Hope people who got injured is alright.
Oh noo, tutor test tomorrow, needa study!!!!

Monday, September 13, 2010


That's right we are the best in european handball and we are so going to win for gala day. Today for gala day training, even though we lost the first round but we still came first, see how pro we are except i was like subbing most of the time. So we went to get change, Berlinda threw my sports pants somewhere, i never knew it was my pants until i realised i didn't pack mine in my bag. I had to run and finally found my pants that Berlinda chucked. YEH thanks alot BERLINDA LOL (sarcastically) Oh yeh i am so happy that i did the extension maths test woah that means i got a high mark for maths lets hope so ^^

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Days to treasure 2#

Aaron: I hate rich people.
Gui Gui kept avoiding Aaron no matter what.
It is has been 5 days since she had been avoiding him.
When Gui Gui was at the library, she saw Aaron walking towards her

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Days to treasure 1#

Aaron:Are you rich?
Gui Gui: No i am very poor. What do you think of rich people?
Aaron: i will never be rich, i hate rich people.
Gui Gui shooked off Aaron's hand and ran away

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Swapping bags

Today was SO FUNNY, at history Berlinda and me decided to swap bags with each other and swap it back when we get to science. We were sitting there waiting for the bell and her bag was so light well lighter then mine. I leaned back with her bag, she was like "Don't lean, you're squishing my sandwich" i was full laughing. When the bell rang, we walked to science class, i jumped over the silver seats and i looked back to see Berlinda. She was like still walking, i was like "Hurry up Berlinda" and she steps on the silver seat, complaining how my bag is too heavy. You know when you push someone bag up and let it down especially when it is heavy. Well instead i pushed it down and made her leaned back. I didn't realise and her hand hit me, it was an accident i think? Anyways NOO Berlinda is office messenger tomorrow, she's gonna ditch me oh wait i have pauline hehe

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Berlinda's house

Today was AWESOME AND FUN!!!! I went to Berlinda's house to do the french assessment with Cathy and Sarah. I forgot Berlinda's house number and i ended up walking the whole town houses to look for it. Took me a while though, anyways Irene, Dianne, Neha, Jenny, Samantha came over as well. We all ended up watching horror movies, first we watched the Ring, we all were screaming our ass off. I swear it was freaky, then we watched chucky, it wasnt scary which we ended up watching shutter. The worst horror movie, we couldn't stop screaming, i was like half covering my eyes in case something bad. Berlinda's house is awesome there is like a movie theater and we didn't do our evaluation for our french assessment. Oh wells we finish it one day~~


Thursday, September 2, 2010


Today, i was so nervous for the maths common test i dont know why. Probably pressure. After the test, i felt so relaxed, it was alright but the non calculator test was hard, which made me feel how awesome calculators are. Let's hope that i will get a good mark.


Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Fan fiction

So far how have you find cases of love? intersting? boring?
To see how well you know cases of love let's do a quiz, (no cheating)

Where was the first time Aaron and Gui Gui kissed?
How many time had Aaron hugged Gui Gui?
What did Wang zi first say when he heard Gui Gui's name?
What was the first case that Aaron and Gui Gui work on?


Last night, i went to drink in the kitchen. The bowl of soup was huge, so i decide to drink with a straw which i believe is a faster way of drinking. My brother who was also drinking soup started laughing at me because i was drinking with a straw. He finished the soup before me, trust me he loves making people laugh during when they are *drinking soup*. I continued drinking with my straw when my brother doing all these stuff to make me laugh and he did succeed. I was drinking little by little in case, when he was gone, i started drinking again then he comes again... i am so not drinking my soup when my brother is there.

First time

Welcome to my blog. This is my first time making a blog. This is where i update and ask question from my readers on fan fiction. Sorry don't much to say but ENJOY~~^^