Tuesday, October 5, 2010


TODAY WAS AWESOME, FUN, AWESOME, FUN HAHAS IN ONE WORD IT IS EPIC!!!!!!!!!!! Berlinda, Cathy and me went to the City for fun, we took caps first and it was AWESOME!!!!! Then we went to galaxy world, cathy and me was playing basketball while Berlinda was filming that's right i came first hehe :) Then we played hockey, i epic failed it, i was playing half of the game then me and Berlinda swap and we full hi-5 like we are subbing. Cathy won hahas don't worry next time i will win LOL then me and Cathy went to play the zombie game where you have to shoot the zombies. I died early sad :( we were addicted to it so we kept playing. Berlinda was like full recording us. After we went to eat food, let me skip this part, we ate at a japanese restaurant, the sushi was YUM!!! Then we took caps again like 5 times, i reckon the guy from morning glory would recognise from now cause we took the caps 3 times there LOL

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