Sunday, October 3, 2010

Dinner Party

LOL sunday was epic cause we went out to dinner party with many people. I was like sitting down at the restaurant waiting for my family friend to come and i was really bored while waiting. My mum made me help her take photos of other people it made me feel like a photographer. HAHAS my cousin went to the stage and sang, it was funny cause i never knew he will volunteer oh wells, my family friend and me went near the stage to take photos for him. We took million of photos of him cause we couldn't get the right angle of him but he sang well. Halfway through taking photos of him, an aunty gave me a pen and paper, i was like what's this for? she was like to ask for his autograph and when i heard that i wanted to run away. But sadly, i failed, the aunty pushed me to him and i just gave him the pen and paper to sign while being pushed. It was so embarressing, my face was red and the good thing is that i won 3 prizes. My family friend, Sally Lim, and me was talking about the past how we used to do silly things it was so funny i was like laughing my head off. On saturday, it was raining at city when i was walking to the carpark with my mum, bro and aunty. I was walking down the stairs but i wasn't looking where i was going and i nearly slipped. Luckily there weren't much people hehe :)

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