Thursday, September 30, 2010

Pe assignment

HAHAHAHAS today Jacqueline, catherine and me went to berlinda's house. From my blog it always seem i go to berlinda's house LOL thats cause i blog late HAHAHAS anyways it was epic FUN, my hand hurts from cutting the letters but round of a applause for catherine, berlinda and jacqueline who was so talkative. Catherine left first then we discovered Jacqueline's ipod was gone and it also happened to mine last week at Berlinda's house. We were searching the whole house for Jacqueline's ipod for million times but we didn't find it. It was freaky cause i lost mine as well. Luckily!!! Berlinda found it under her bed where we had search for billion times. Then Jacqueline left, Berlinda and me started eating watermelon and we had a EPIC CONVO!!! but i will forgive you berlinda that today we didn't make pancakes....UNFORGIVABLE BERLINDA hahahahas LOL
WOW so excited about tuesday can't wait