Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Year 12 Concert

TODAY WAS EPIC FUN!!! Brianca and me was full screaming at year 12 concert. Berlinda and Cathy was screaming louder when they saw super senior and started dancing to the korean songs hehe :) Also today at history, we were watching a moive called the rabbit proof fence i think, all wells yeh it was a sad movie i cried like the beginning when they took the kids from their mums.  Then during the movie i was excited about the year 12 concert, i told Berlinda about the year 12 concert and then we all felt excited and hi-5. The hi-5 was really loud during we were all quiet when watching the movie and it was embarressing. Half way through the movie, i was so in to it then all of a sudden Berlinda scared me. I was only scared abit, anyways we swapped bags again and Berlinda was full complaining how heavy my bag was and we also had a jumping competition who can jump the highest. Alice says Berlinda jumps the highest but the truth is i jump the highest LOL

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