Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Swapping bags

Today was SO FUNNY, at history Berlinda and me decided to swap bags with each other and swap it back when we get to science. We were sitting there waiting for the bell and her bag was so light well lighter then mine. I leaned back with her bag, she was like "Don't lean, you're squishing my sandwich" i was full laughing. When the bell rang, we walked to science class, i jumped over the silver seats and i looked back to see Berlinda. She was like still walking, i was like "Hurry up Berlinda" and she steps on the silver seat, complaining how my bag is too heavy. You know when you push someone bag up and let it down especially when it is heavy. Well instead i pushed it down and made her leaned back. I didn't realise and her hand hit me, it was an accident i think? Anyways NOO Berlinda is office messenger tomorrow, she's gonna ditch me oh wait i have pauline hehe

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