Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Berlinda's house

Yesterday i went to Berlinda's house for fun. I came really early and i thought Berlinda would be awake by then but i was wrong. I went to her room and she was still sleeping. It was funny, she was like shocked hahahahas and like she brushes her teeth for 20 mins i was just standing there and waiting for her. Berlinda if you are reading this please don't kill me hehe :) We were watching the WGM horror, far it was freaky at the beginning then it got funny with the Adam's couple i was like laughing my head off and tears formed. Then we went to the shops at cheso, bought sushi and cardboard for our pe assignment. We started watching videos from youtube while eating chips, i can't stand the chilliness so i had to keep drinking water which i nearly drank the whole bottle. It is like half way through the video, i would be like i need water *runs to the fridge* hahahahs it was awesome day. We should take lessons how to take a photo we epic fail taking photos. Tomorrow i am going to Berlinda's house again for the pe assignment, gonna be extra fun cos we are making pancakes
cant wait~~~

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