Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Best office messenger day!!!!

OMG TODAY WAS SO FUN!!!! Chaad, Emre, Jennifer and me was office messenger today. Emre, Chaad and me was full chatting in the last period while Jennifer was reading. Emre is so random and funny at the same time, he kept saying "i like chicken" LOL but it was funny. We were tagging on Emre's paper since it is the last time to be an office messenger. Emre wrote his name first, then it was my turn to tag, i wrote like 4 sentences while Emre only wrote his name. HAHAHAS, it was Chaad's turn, we told him to write his neatest but no, Chaad wrote huge LOL then we have to start again, the 4 of us tagged. You might not find it funny, but to us, we were full laughing. After tagging, we started drawing on the voting paper LOOL it was FUNNY!!!! You don't wanna know what we did to the voting paper and Chaad ripped of a part and kept it. Chaad, i dare you to look at it before you go to sleep HAHAHAS. Chaad and me started playing Mr. Squiggle, i won Chaad hehe ^^ One of us was like teachers coming, we quickly got some random work, the teacher didn't come, we all started laughing after seeing how we panicked LOOOL IT WAS AN AWESOME DAY!!!!!!

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